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We are passionate about birth and parenthood.
Our goal is to support you in having the birth and postpartum experience you desire. We provide you with physical and emotional support, along with advocacy, education, and postpartum care.
We are available 24/7 to ensure you have the peace of mind during pregnancy that you deserve.
We're here for you to help you make a soft landing into parenthood when you get home, with breastfeeding and nutritional support, as well as day and night postpartum care.
Doulas accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. We draw on knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort and the information you need to make informed decisions as questions and concerns arise in labor. We will provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. We are with you to make sure your labor is beautiful and joyful.
As postpartum doulas, we focus on the needs of the new mother as well as the newborn. We are there to nurture the mother by offering practical assistance as well as emotional support, enabling her to recover faster and feel more confident in meeting the challenges a new baby brings. We act as a mentor to answer your questions and provide much needed assurance in a gentle, non-judgmental way, allowing you to develop your own unique parenting style. The ways in which the woman, baby, partner and siblings make the transition to a new family unit have a long-term impact on their physical and emotional health. The postpartum doula fills a large gap in maternity care, and is able to facilitate a smooth and rewarding transition.
"True happiness is to enjoy the present without anxious dependence upon the future."
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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